HMS Salamander (1832)
HMS Salamander (1832)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameSalamander (1832)Explanation
Type2nd class sloop   
Launched16 May 1832
Builders measure818 tons
Displacement1014 tons
Ships book
Snippets concerning this vessels career
27 November 1832
- 14 February 1834
Commanded by Commander Horatio Thomas Austin, Portugal
15 April 1836Commanded by Lieutenant John Duffill
20 August 1836
- 31 July 1840
Commanded by Commander Sidney Colpoys Dacres, particular service (and during this time Dacres was also temporarily in charge of trials with Gorgon)
22 September 1840
- 30 July 1841
Commanded by Commander Hastings Reginald Henry, particular service
24 June 1842Commanded by Commander Andrew Snape Hamond, South America
17 July 1850
- August 1854
Commanded by Commander John Spencer Ellman, East Indies
August 1854
- 23 November 1854
Commanded (until paying off at Portsmouth) by Commander Benjamin Portland Priest, Mediterranean
1 November 1855
- 4 February 1857
Commanded by Commander George Frederick Mecham, west coast of Africa
8 December 1863Commanded by Commander John Carnegie, Australia
July 1865Commanded by Commander George Strong Nares, east coast of Australia
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Ma 14 September 1840It appears that neither the Salamander nor Comet steam-vessels are to be paid off; they are equipping at Woolwich, with great despatch; they will be both at Spithead about the last week in September. The Medea will leave Woolwich on the 24th. The Vesuvius is fitting at Chatham for the Mediterranean. These four steam ships will increase Sir R. Stopford's force to 10 powerful steam-vessels of war, he having already the Gorgon, Cyclops, Phoenix, Rhadamanthus, Hydra, and Stromboli; and to which there are several steamers already fitted for guns, &c., employed in the conveyance of the mails, such as the Acheron, Volcano, Prometheus, Megaera, Alecto, &c.
Fr 9 October 1840PORTSMOUTH.— The Vesuvius steamer, Commander Henderson, proceeded on Monday afternoon direct for Gibraltar and Malta, to join Sir R. Stopford's fleet. The Salamander steam-frigate, Commander Henry, will be at Spithead in the early part of next week, on her way to Gibraltar and Malta, to join Sir R. Stopford's fleet.—Brighton Gazette.
Ma 30 November 1840The Salamander steamer, Commander Henry, is ordered to the North Sea and oast of Norway, to look after the Fairy, surveying vessel, Captain Hewett.
Ma 14 December 1840(From the Hampshire Telegraph of Saturday)
We are sorry to state that there is every reason to fear that the Fairy, surveying vessel, Captain Hewett, has been lost, with the whole of her officers and ship's company. It appears that she left Harwich on the 15th ult. for the purpose of surveying some neighbouring sands, and must have encountered the late tremendous storm. It was ascertained before she left Harwich, that she had no design whatever of proceeding above a few hours' sail, having only on board at the time two days' provisions; but she has not since been heard of. A son of Sir C. Adam, a midshipman, was on board the Fairy. The Salamander steam vessel sailed on Monday, from Sheerness, for Norway, in search of her. She will visit the Shetland Isles, and call at Leith if necessary.
Ma 4 January 1841(From the Hampshire Telegraph of Saturday)
The Salamander, steam-frigate, arrived at Sheerness on Wednesday, after an unsuccessful search for the Fairy, and may be hourly expected at this port to refit, previous to proceeding to the Mediterranean.
Ma 11 January 1847The squadron in the River Plate was distributed as follows, on the 29th of October:- the Vernon, 50, Captain Fitzgerald, flag of Rear-Admiral Inglefield: the Raleigh, 50, Commodore Sir Thomas Herbert; the Eagle, 50, Captain G.B. Martin; the Melampus, 42, Captain Campbell, and the Comus, 16, Commander D?Eyncourt, were at Montevideo.
The Cura?oa, 24, Captain Broughton, and the Dolphin 3, Lieutenant-Commander Miller, were at Rio on the 18th of November, the latter having arrived from Montevideo five days prior.
The Grecian, 16, Commander Tindal, was at Busca.
The Racer, 18, Commander Reed, was at Colonia.
The Satellite, 18, Commander Rowley, was at Maldonado.
The Firebrand steam frigate, Captain Hope, and the Harpy steam vessel, Lieutenant Tomlinson, was at Buenos Ayres.
The Acorn, 18, Commander Bingham, was at Paraguay.
The Alecto steam sloop, Commander Massingberd, had proceeded up the Urugay to relieve the iron steam vessel Lizard, Lieutenant-Commander Tylden.
The Dido, 20, Captain Maxwell, sailed from Monte Video for the East Indies on the 29th of October.
The Carysfort, 26, Captain G.H. Seymour, arrived at Valparaiso on the 19th of October, from Sydney and New Zealand (where sho had landed the new Governor and specie), and remained there on the 24th refitting.
The Salamander steam sloop, Captain Hamond, left Valparaiso for Rio and England on the 1st of October.
Tho Sampson steam frigate, Captain T. Henderson, left Valparaiso on the 25th of October for Talcahuano, and on an experimental sailing cruize.
The Nereus store ship, Master Commander Bateman, was under orders, at the above date, to proceed from Valparaiso to Callao.
Tu 24 January 1865The ships of war on the Australian station at the date of the last advices were — the Harrier, 17, Acting-Commander Swan, at New Zealand; the Miranda, 14, Capt. Jenkins, at Sydney; the Eclipse, 4, Commander Fremantle, at New Zealand; the Curacoa, 23, Commodore Sir W. Wiseman, at New Zealand; the Esk, 21, Capt. Luice, at Sydney; the Falcon, 17, Commander Parkin, at New Zealand; and the Salamander, 4, Commander the Hon. J. Carnegie, at Sydney.

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