HMS Nautilus (1830)
HMS Nautilus (1830)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameNautilus (1830)Explanation
Launched11 March 1830
Builders measure233 tons
Ships book
Note1852 t.s.
1872 hulk
Snippets concerning this vessels career
4 March 1830
- 2 January 1834
Commanded by Commander George Paulet, the Channel, then the coasts of Ireland, Portugal and Spain
3 January 1834Commanded by Lieutenant commander William Crooke, Mediterranean
11 January 1838Commanded by Lieutenant commander George Beaufoy, Cape of Good Hope & Coast of Africa
8 March 1842
- 20 September 1842
Commanded by Lieutenant John Thomas Paulson, tender to Royal George, commander by Captain Lord Adolphus Fitzclarence, Portsmouth
(January 1843)Tender to Royal George yacht, Portsmouth
20 December 1844Commanded by Lieutenant commander William Robson, protecting the Channel fisheries
1 July 1845Commanded by Lieutenant commander John Julius McDonnell, Portsmouth
1 January 1849Commanded by Lieutenant Samuel Brooking Dolling, apprentices brig, tender to Impregnable (flagship, Devonport)
1 January 1852Commanded by Lieutenant Samuel Brooking Dolling, apprentices brig, tender to Impregnable (flagship, Devonport)
24 November 1854Commanded by Lieutenant commander John Packwood, apprentices brig, tender to Impregnable (flagship, Devonport)
1 January 1857Commanded by Lieutenant commander William Burley Grant, Devonport, tender to Impregnable

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