HMS Impregnable (1810)
HMS Impregnable (1810)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameImpregnable (1810)Explanation
TypeSecond rate   
Launched1 August 1810
Builders measure2406 tons
Ships book
Note1862 training ship.
1888 = Kent.
1891 = Caledonia
Snippets concerning this vessels career
16 May 1814
- 29 June 1814
Commanded by Captain Charles Adam
30 April 1839
- 27 October 1840
Commanded by Captain Henry Eden, flagship of Graham Moore, Plymouth
27 October 1840
- March 1843
Commanded by Captain Thomas Forrest, Mediterranean
March 1843
- 8 June 1843
Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain Robert Smart, flagship of Rear-Admiral Francis Mason, second in command, Mediterranean
1 January 1849
- 3 May 1851
Commanded by Captain Thomas Maitland, flagship of Admiral William Hall Gage, Devonport
4 May 1851
- 6 May 1854
Commanded by Captain Arthur Lowe, flagship of Admiral John Acworth Ommanney, Devonport
6 May 1854
- 25 April 1857
Commanded by Captain Charles Wise, flagship of Admiral William Parker, Devonport
4 May 1857
- 3 May 1860
Commanded by Captain William Houston Stewart, flagship of Vice-Admiral Barrington Reynolds, Plymouth
31 May 1860
- 31 March 1861
Commanded by Captain Lord Frederick Herbert Kerr, flagship of Vice-Admiral Houston Stewart, Devonport
2 April 1861
- 31 December 1861
Commanded by Captain Charles Vesey, Devonport, flag-ship of the Port Admiral
1 January 1862
- 11 May 1863
Commanded by Commander Francisco Sangro Robert Dawson Tremlett, Devonport, training ship
12 May 1863
- 20 June 1868
Commanded by Captain Francisco Sangro Robert Dawson Tremlett, Devonport, training ship
28 May 1868
- 31 December 1870
Commanded by Captain William Gore-Jones, Devonport, training ship
1 January 1872
- 31 December 1874
Commanded by Captain John Crawford Wilson, Devonport, training ship for boys
1 January 1878
- 28 January 1880
Commanded by Captain Henry Dennis Hickley, Devonport, training ship for boys
26 January 1880
- 25 January 1883
Commanded by Captain Richard Bradshaw, Devonport, training ship for boys
26 January 1883
- 31 March 1886
Commanded by Captain Joseph Edward Maitland Wilson, training ship for boys
9 November 1888Renamed Kent
22 September 1891Renamed Caledonia
Extracts from the Times newspaper
We 5 February 1851

Plymouth, Tuesday morning.

A serious accident occurred yesterday afternoon on board Her Majesty's frigate Calliope, 26, Captain Sir J. Everard Home. Bart., C.B., in Hamoase. She was about to be towed into the Sound, had slipped from her moorings, and was attached to a buoy near the flagship Impregnable, lying under the Obelisk. One end of a towing warp was fastened to an iron boiler on board the steam tug Avon, and several turns of the other end were passed round the capstan on the upper deck of the Calliope; but the pauls of the capstan were not adjusted. When the Avon went ahead, the sudden jerk on the capstan caused it to revolve with frightful velocity, and, as the capstan bars were not secured by swifters and pins, they flew about destructively in all directions among the officers and crew. Captain Home received several bruises about the head and body; an assistant surgeon and a quartermaster were severely injured, and a marine had his ear cut off. Signals were instantly made to the different ships in commission, from which the surgeons promptly attended. Some 18 in all were hurt, and it was found necessary to send Sir Everard Home and five others to the Royal Naval Hospital. The frigate was in consequence of the accident replaced at her moorings.
Fr 7 October 1859The paddle-wheel steamvessel Locust, 3, Lieut. Field, from Portsmouth, arrived at Plymouth on Wednesday, with 45 supernumeraries for the guardship Impregnable and the Impérieuse.

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