The following is the entry for John Samuel Foreman in William O'Byrnes 1849 'Naval Biographical Dictionary'.
FOREMAN. (Capt., 1841. f-p., 23; h-p., 10.) John Samuel Foreman was born 27 Aug. 1798, and died in 1845.This officer entered the Navy, 12 Aug. 1812, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Monmouth 64, bearing the flag in the Downs of Sir Thos. Foley, and, in 1813, became Midshipman of the Vigo 74, flag-ship of Sir Jas. Nicoll Morris on the Baltic station. From 1814 until May, 1827, he served on various stations, the last few years as Mate, in the Benbow 74, Capt. Rich. Harrison Pearson, Leonidas 38, Capt. Wm. King, Hebrus 36, Capt. Edm. Palmer, Perseus and Tamar frigates, both commanded by Capt. Thos. Rich. Toker, Bulwark 74, flag-ship of Sir John Gore, Superb 74, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Thos. Masterman Hardy, Ocean 80, Capts. M‘Kenzie and Hardyman, and Warspite, Boadicea, and Java, all flag-ships of Rear-Admiral Wm. Hall Gage. He then became Acting-Lieutenant of the Atholl 28, Capt. Jas. Arth. Murray, and, being confirmed by commission, dated 6 Oct. 1827, was next appointed, 29 Nov. 1828, and 7 Dec. 1832, to the Champion 18, Capts. Geo. Scott and Fras. Vere Cotton, and Vernon 50, flag-ship of Sir Geo. Cockburn, both on the North America and West India station. On 26 Dec. 1833 he there obtained command of the Arachne 16, from which sloop he removed, 29 April, 1834, to the Wasp 16. Being paid off 27 April, 1837, Capt. Foreman, whose Post-commission bore date 23 Nov. 1841, remained thenceforward unemployed. |