The table below is intended to include all commissioned officers (that is, with the rank of Lieutenant or above) in command of a Royal Navy vessel between 1840 and 1880. The data are chiefly derived from service records in the National Archives in Kew, contemporary Navy Lists, William R. O'Byrne's "Naval Biographical Dictionary" (1849) and the "Naval Intelligence" column of the Times newspaper.
Follow the links in the first column for available biographic and career data. The 'Rank reached' column shows the highest substantive rank reached (thus not including "retired ..."); as the data are incomplete, however, some officers may have actually reached a higher rank.
For officers not shown here, try Paul Benyon's extensive list. For persons other than naval sea officers, go here.
Officer | Born | Died | Rank reached | Entries | |
Robert | Fair R.N. | <1823 | 1844 | Captain | 6 |
Henry | Fairfax R.N. | 1837 | 1900 | Admiral | 35 |
Gordon Thomas | Falcon R.N. | 1777 | 1854 | Rear-Admiral | 17 |
Maxwell | Falcon R.N. | <1825 | >1857 | Commander | 8 |
Charles George | Fane R.N. | 1837 | 1909 | Vice-Admiral | 23 |
Arthur | Fanshawe R.N. | 1794 | 1864 | Admiral | 21 |
Edward Gennys | Fanshawe R.N. | 1814 | 1906 | Admiral | 35 |
Arthur | Farquhar R.N. | 1815 | 1908 | Admiral | 35 |
Hawksworth | Fawkes R.N. | 1836 | 1876 | Captain | 16 |
William Frederick | Fead R.N. | <1824 | 1853 | Commander | 13 |
Craven John | Featherstone R.N. | 1794 | 1870 | Commander | 8 |
Charles | Fellowes R.N. | 1823 | 1886 | Vice-Admiral | 30 |
John | Fellowes R.N. | 1843 | 1913 | Unknown! | 38 |
Thomas | Fellowes R.N. | 1778 | 1853 | Rear-Admiral | 28 |
Thomas Hounsom Butler | Fellowes R.N. | 1827 | 1923 | Captain | 20 |
William Abdy | Fellowes R.N. | 1815 | 1878 | Captain | 13 |
William Henry | Fenwick R.N. | 1827 | >1883 | Captain | 11 |
Edward | Field R.N. | <1851 | >1866 | Commander | 6 |
John Bousquet | Field R.N. | 1819 | 1869 | Commander | 11 |
John William | Finch R.N. | <1811 | >1868 | Captain | 8 |
Edmund Gardiner | Fishbourne R.N. | 1811 | 1887 | Captain | 25 |
John Arbuthnot | Fisher R.N. | 1841 | 1920 | Admiral of the Fleet | 41 |
Peter | Fisher R.N. | 1781 | 1844 | Captain | 6 |
Peter | Fisher R.N. | <1828 | >1853 | Captain | 8 |
Thomas | Fisher R.N. | <1824 | 1891 | Rear-Admiral | 14 |
William | Fisher R.N. | 1780 | 1852 | Rear-Admiral | 10 |
William Edward | Fisher R.N. | <1831 | >1871 | Commander | 12 |
Charles Sedgwick | Fitton R.N. | 1830 | 1880 | Commander | 9 |
Lord Adolphus | Fitzclarence R.N. | 1802 | 1856 | Rear-Admiral | 23 |
Adolphus Agustus Frederick | Fitzgeorge R.N. | 1846 | 1922 | Captain | 11 |
Charles | Fitzgerald R.N. | 1792 | 1887 | Captain | 15 |
John Coghlan | Fitzgerald R.N. | 1803 | 1859 | Captain | 20 |
Richard Purefoy Jervoise | Fitzgerald R.N. | 1836 | 1895 | Lieutenant | 10 |
Hon. John Frederick | Fitzgerald De Roos R.N. | 1804 | 1861 | Captain | 9 |
James | Fitzjames R.N. | <1825 | 1850 | Captain | 11 |
Hon. Frederick O'Brien | Fitzmaurice R.N. | 1830 | 1867 | Commander | 7 |
Hon James Terence | Fitzmaurice R.N. | 1835 | 1917 | Commander | 11 |
Arthur George | Fitzroy R.N. | 1827 | 1861 | Commander | 12 |
Robert | Fitzroy R.N. | 1805 | 1865 | Captain | 25 |
Robert O'Brien | Fitzroy R.N. | 1839 | 1896 | Vice-Admiral | 41 |
Richard Howell | Fleming R.N. | 1778 | 1856 | Commander | 9 |
Archibald Douglas William | Fletcher R.N. | 1821 | 1882 | Commander | 16 |
John Venour | Fletcher R.N. | 1801 | 1877 | Captain | 18 |
Hon. Fitzgerald Algernon Charles | Foley R.N. | 1823 | 1903 | Vice-Admiral | 29 |
Charles Edward | Foot R.N. | 1841 | 1884 | Captain | 28 |
Henry Richard | Foote R.N. | 1817 | 1885 | Captain | 15 |
John | Foote R.N. | <1827 | 1854 | Captain | 11 |
John | Foote R.N. | 1785 | 1853 | Captain | 11 |
Randolph Frank Ollive | Foote R.N. | 1853 | 1931 | Vice-Admiral | 24 |
Arthur | Forbes R.N. | <1828 | 1891 | Rear-Admiral | 14 |
Charles Stuart | Forbes R.N. | <1848 | >1862 | Commander | 5 |
Frederick Edwyn | Forbes R.N. | 1819 | 1851 | Lieutenant | 11 |
Henry | Forbes R.N. | 1787 | 1855 | Captain | 11 |
Thomas George | Forbes R.N. | <1822 | >1856 | Commander | 6 |
John Samuel | Foreman R.N. | 1798 | 1845 | Captain | 11 |
Thomas | Forrest R.N. | <1802 | 1844 | Captain | 6 |
William | Forrester R.N. | <1824 | >1839 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Charles Codrington | Forsyth R.N. | 1810 | 1873 | Captain | 16 |
Thomas Dyce Acland | Fortescue R.N. | 1821 | 1865 | Captain | 10 |
William Newton | Fowell R.N. | 1803 | 1868 | Captain | 18 |
Charles Colville | Frankland R.N. | 1797 | 1876 | Captain | 10 |
Edward | Franklin R.N. | <1810 | >1868 | Captain | 6 |
Edward Bond Harrison | Franklin R.N. | <1844 | >1890 | Captain | 7 |
John | Franklin R.N. | 1776 | 1847 | Captain | 16 |
John | Fraser R.N. | 1791 | 1861 | Captain | 8 |
Thomas | Fraser R.N. | 1796 | 1870 | Captain | 10 |
George Alexander | Frazer R.N. | <1817 | >1851 | Captain | 10 |
Charles | Frederick R.N. | 1797 | 1875 | Vice-Admiral | 21 |
John Osmond | Freeland R.N. | 1810 | 1875 | Lieutenant | 13 |
Charles Howe | Fremantle R.N. | 1800 | 1869 | Admiral | 22 |
Hon. Edmund Robert | Fremantle R.N. | 1836 | 1929 | Admiral | 32 |
Stephen Grenville | Fremantle R.N. | 1810 | 1860 | Captain | 19 |
John James Bartholomew Edward | Frere R.N. | 1812 | 1864 | Captain | 12 |
John | Fulford R.N. | 1809 | 1888 | Rear-Admiral | 28 |
John Reginald Thomas | Fullerton R.N. | 1840 | 1918 | Vice-Admiral | 19 |
James Holmes | Furneaux R.N. | <1845 | >1859 | Commander | 4 |
Henry John Windham Sherbrook Payne | Gallwey R.N. | <1824 | >1864 | Commander | 6 |
Robert Fitzgerald | Gambier R.N. | 1803 | 1885 | Captain | 13 |
Alan Henry | Gardner R.N. | 1817 | 1880 | Captain | 20 |
George Henry | Gardner R.N. | <1829 | >1861 | Captain | 11 |
George Johnson | Gardner R.N. | <1805 | >1860 | Lieutenant | 6 |
Edmund St John | Garforth R.N. | 1836 | 1920 | Captain | 19 |
Thomas Lovette | Gaussen R.N. | <1832 | 1865 | Commander | 7 |
Charles | Gayton R.N. | <1811 | >1856 | Commander | 12 |
Louis | Geneste R.N. | <1854 | >1871 | Commander | 12 |
John Henn | Gennys R.N. | 1810 | 1875 | Commander | 23 |
William Henn | Gennys R.N. | <1840 | >1854 | Commander | 3 |
Charles | Gibbons R.N. | 1828 | >1877 | Commander | 6 |
Robert | Gibson R.N. | 1829 | 1874 | Captain | 20 |
George | Giffard R.N. | 1815 | 1895 | Rear-Admiral | 21 |
Henry Wells | Giffard R.N. | 1811 | 1854 | Captain | 17 |
Viscount | Gilford R.N. | 1832 | 1907 | Admiral of the Fleet | 33 |
William Fanshawe | Glanville R.N. | 1808 | 1861 | Captain | 11 |
William Nugent | Glascock R.N. | <1800 | 1847 | Captain | 12 |
Frederick Henry Hastings | Glasse R.N. | 1806 | 1884 | Rear-Admiral | 24 |
Count | Gleichen R.N. | 1833 | 1891 | Captain | 23 |
Charles James Price | Glinn R.N. | <1829 | >1848 | Lieutenant | 8 |
John Hawley | Glover R.N. | 1829 | 1885 | Commander | 16 |
Hon. Henry Carr | Glyn R.N. | 1829 | 1884 | Vice-Admiral | 27 |
Edmund Anthony | Glynn R.N. | <1825 | 1893 | Commander | 5 |
George | Goldsmith R.N. | 1807 | 1888 | Rear-Admiral | 25 |
Hugh Colville | Goldsmith R.N. | <1809 | 1841 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Thomas Lewis | Gooch R.N. | <1820 | 1876 | Captain | 9 |
Thomas Sherlock | Gooch R.N. | <1854 | >1856 | Lieutenant | 2 |
James Graham | Goodenough R.N. | 1830 | 1875 | Captain | 27 |
Hugh | Goold R.N. | 1786 | 1866 | Commander | 8 |
Alexander Crombie | Gordon R.N. | 1818 | 1893 | Captain | 23 |
Alexander Duff | Gordon R.N. | <1845 | >1855 | Commander | 3 |
David MacDowall | Gordon R.N. | 1799 | 1848 | Lieutenant | 7 |
George Thomas | Gordon R.N. | <1818 | >1877 | Rear-Admiral | 17 |
James Alexander | Gordon R.N. | 1816 | 1847 | Commander | 9 |
James Gabriel | Gordon R.N. | 1786 | 1871 | Commander | 9 |
John | Gordon R.N. | <1805 | >1863 | Captain | 8 |
William Elrington | Gordon R.N. | 1831 | 1897 | Rear-Admiral | 28 |
William Everard Alphonso | Gordon R.N. | <1830 | >1887 | Captain | 14 |
Robert | Gore R.N. | 1810 | 1854 | Captain | 12 |
William | Gore-Jones R.N. | 1826 | 1888 | Admiral | 24 |
Charles | Graham R.N. | 1792 | 1857 | Rear-Admiral | 12 |
James Stanley | Graham R.N. | 1836 | 1873 | Commander | 11 |
William | Graham R.N. | 1826 | 1907 | Admiral | 33 |
Henry Duncan | Grant R.N. | 1834 | 1896 | Admiral | 19 |
Henry James | Grant R.N. | <1846 | >1857 | Commander | 5 |
James | Grant R.N. | 1833 | Commander | 7 | |
John | Grant R.N. | <1806 | >1857 | Commander | 12 |
John Frederick George | Grant R.N. | 1835 | 1916 | Rear-Admiral | 16 |
Richard | Grant R.N. | 1783 | 1859 | Captain | 14 |
William Burley | Grant R.N. | <1852 | >1885 | Captain | 9 |
Thomas | Graves R.N. | 1802 | 1856 | Captain | 15 |
Edward Evans | Gray R.N. | <1827 | >1860 | Commander | 7 |
Francis John | Gray R.N. | 1839 | 1875 | Lieutenant | 8 |
William | Greet R.N. | <1825 | >1861 | Commander | 9 |
William Filmer | Gregory R.N. | <1853 | >1856 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Sidney | Grenfell R.N. | 1806 | 1884 | Rear-Admiral | 24 |
Henry Francis | Greville R.N. | <1814 | 1864 | Captain | 6 |
Stapleton John | Greville R.N. | 1826 | 1903 | Captain | 9 |
Frederick William | Grey R.N. | 1805 | 1878 | Admiral | 27 |
George | Grey R.N. | 1809 | 1891 | Vice-Admiral | 22 |
William Samuel | Grieve R.N. | 1831 | 1891 | Vice-Admiral | 24 |
William | Griffin R.N. | <1812 | 1873 | Captain | 16 |
Smyth | Griffith R.N. | <1812 | >1860 | Lieutenant | 4 |
James Blair | Grove R.N. | <1854 | >1856 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Charles Gerveys | Grylls R.N. | 1826 | 1860 | Commander | 7 |
Edmund Hall | Gunnell R.N. | 1810 | 1887 | Commander | 9 |
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