The table below is intended to include all commissioned officers (that is, with the rank of Lieutenant or above) in command of a Royal Navy vessel between 1840 and 1880. The data are chiefly derived from service records in the National Archives in Kew, contemporary Navy Lists, William R. O'Byrne's "Naval Biographical Dictionary" (1849) and the "Naval Intelligence" column of the Times newspaper.
Follow the links in the first column for available biographic and career data. The 'Rank reached' column shows the highest substantive rank reached (thus not including "retired ..."); as the data are incomplete, however, some officers may have actually reached a higher rank.
For officers not shown here, try Paul Benyon's extensive list. For persons other than naval sea officers, go here.
Officer | Born | Died | Rank reached | Entries | |
Charles | Adam R.N. | 1780 | 1853 | Admiral | 27 |
John | Adams R.N. | 1798 | 1866 | Rear-Admiral | 34 |
Richard | Adams R.N. | 1834 | 1872 | Commander | 16 |
Edward Stanley | Adeane R.N. | 1836 | 1902 | Rear-Admiral | 18 |
John de Courcy Andrew | Agnew R.N. | 1819 | 1916 | Commander | 14 |
William Cornwallis | Aldham R.N. | 1809 | 1878 | Captain | 22 |
Pelham | Aldrich R.N. | 1844 | 1930 | Admiral | 26 |
Robert Dawes | Aldrich R.N. | 1808 | 1891 | Captain | 17 |
John Williams | Aldridge R.N. | 1795 | 1875 | Captain | 16 |
Henry McClintock | Alexander R.N. | 1834 | 1896 | Captain | 20 |
John Hobhouse Inglis | Alexander R.N. | 1832 | 1875 | Captain | 15 |
John Richard | Alexander R.N. | 1829 | 1869 | Lieutenant | 12 |
Prince | Alfred R.N. | 1844 | 1900 | Admiral of the Fleet | 22 |
Bird | Allen R.N. | 1803 | 1841 | Commander | 7 |
Henry Murray Edward | Allen R.N. | 1809 | 1856 | Captain | 11 |
William | Allen R.N. | 1792 | 1864 | Captain | 18 |
Constantine O'Donnel | Allingham R.N. | 1835 | 1865 | Lieutenant | 5 |
James | Anderson R.N. | 1797 | 1882 | Captain | 18 |
Warren Hastings | Anderson R.N. | 1825 | 1880 | Captain | 17 |
Charles William | Andrew R.N. | 1834 | 1892 | Commander | 8 |
William Henry | Annesley R.N. | 1830 | 1875 | Commander | 8 |
Charles Vernon | Anson R.N. | 1846 | 1905 | Commander | 14 |
Talavera Vernon | Anson R.N. | 1809 | 1895 | Captain | 17 |
Benjamin | Aplin R.N. | 1791 | 1860 | Lieutenant | 21 |
Elphinstone D'Oyly D'Auvergne | Aplin R.N. | 1821 | 1882 | Captain | 25 |
William | Arlett R.N. | <1825 | 1838 | Lieutenant | 8 |
Whaley | Armitage R.N. | 1811 | 1901 | Lieutenant | 9 |
William | Armytage R.N. | 1821 | 1872 | Captain | 11 |
Richard | Arthur R.N. | 1779 | 1854 | Vice-Admiral | 17 |
William | Arthur R.N. | 1830 | 1886 | Captain | 18 |
Charles John | Austen R.N. | 1779 | 1852 | Rear-Admiral | 23 |
Francis William | Austen R.N. | 1809 | 1858 | Captain | 16 |
Horatio Thomas | Austin R.N. | 1800 | 1865 | Vice-Admiral | 22 |
Charles | Autridge R.N. | 1792 | 1876 | Lieutenant | 11 |
Henry | Bacon R.N. | <1841 | >1867 | Commander | 19 |
Henry | Bagot R.N. | 1810 | 1877 | Captain | 16 |
John Crawshay | Bailey R.N. | 1818 | 1896 | Commander | 10 |
Thomas | Baillie R.N. | 1811 | 1889 | Vice-Admiral | 24 |
Joseph Andrew | Bainbridge R.N. | <1812 | 1846 | Lieutenant | 12 |
John Kennedy Erskine | Baird R.N. | 1832 | 1908 | Admiral | 22 |
George | Baker R.N. | 1797 | 1861 | Captain | 9 |
Henry | Baker R.N. | <1845 | >1866 | Commander | 5 |
James Vashon | Baker R.N. | 1798 | 1875 | Captain | 14 |
Vashon | Baker R.N. | 1811 | 1878 | Commander | 13 |
Thomas | Baldock R.N. | 1789 | 1871 | Commander | 20 |
Charles John | Balfour R.N. | 1814 | 1878 | Commander | 12 |
George Mackintosh | Balfour R.N. | 1823 | 1896 | Commander | 11 |
Charles | Barker R.N. | 1811 | 1860 | Captain | 14 |
Charles Anstruther | Barlow R.N. | 1800 | 1855 | Captain | 16 |
Edward | Barnard R.N. | 1782 | 1863 | Captain | 17 |
Edward King | Barnard R.N. | 1815 | 1896 | Captain | 28 |
Frederick Lamport | Barnard R.N. | 1813 | 1880 | Captain | 22 |
Thomas | Barnardiston R.N. | 1833 | 1907 | Vice-Admiral | 13 |
Edward | Barnett R.N. | 1799 | 1879 | Captain | 18 |
Arthur | Barrow R.N. | 1815 | 1866 | Commander | 15 |
Arthur | Barrow R.N. | 1853 | 1914 | Rear-Admiral | 13 |
Ralph John | Barton R.N. | 1798 | 1881 | Captain | 14 |
William Thornton | Bate R.N. | 1820 | 1857 | Commander | 9 |
Richard Sacheverell | Bateman R.N. | 1831 | 1896 | Commander | 23 |
John Oldenshaw | Bathurst R.N. | 1817 | 1861 | Commander | 13 |
Albert Henry William | Battiscombe R.N. | 1831 | 1918 | Captain | 9 |
Eugene Chambers | Batty R.N. | 1830 | 1862 | Lieutenant | 4 |
Bonham Ward | Bax R.N. | 1837 | 1877 | Captain | 13 |
Robert Lambert | Baynes R.N. | 1796 | 1869 | Admiral | 15 |
Benjamin | Baynton R.N. | 1789 | 1854 | Commander | 6 |
Henry Hamilton | Beamish R.N. | 1829 | 1901 | Captain | 18 |
Edward Halhead | Beauchamp-Proctor R.N. | 1815 | 1885 | Commander | 10 |
Rt. Hon. Lord Amelius Wentworth | Beauclerk R.N. | 1815 | 1879 | Commander | 11 |
George | Beaufoy R.N. | 1796 | 1864 | Lieutenant | 10 |
Charles Henry | Beddoes R.N. | 1808 | 1856 | Commander | 12 |
Frederick George Denham | Bedford R.N. | 1838 | 1913 | Admiral | 31 |
Robert Tench | Bedford R.N. | 1812 | 1868 | Captain | 11 |
Norman Bernard | Bedingfield R.N. | 1824 | 1894 | Captain | 21 |
Frederick Willam | Beechey R.N. | 1796 | 1856 | Rear-Admiral | 10 |
Edward | Belcher R.N. | 1793 | 1877 | Vice-Admiral | 18 |
Thomas | Belgrave R.N. | 1815 | 1857 | Commander | 17 |
Charles | Bell R.N. | 1799 | 1844 | Commander | 10 |
Francis William | Bennett R.N. | 1830 | >1862 | Lieutenant | 10 |
Thomas | Bennett R.N. | 1785 | 1870 | Vice-Admiral | 15 |
Lord Charles William de la Poer | Beresford R.N. | 1846 | 1919 | Admiral | 43 |
Henry Barré | Beresford R.N. | 1816 | 1871 | Commander | 10 |
Henry | Berkeley R.N. | <1854 | >1865 | Commander | 12 |
Joshua | Berkeley R.N. | <1849 | >1855 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Maurice Frederick Fitzhardinghe | Berkeley R.N. | 1788 | 1867 | Admiral | 30 |
Henry | Bernard R.N. | <1820 | >1847 | Lieutenant | 6 |
Henry Compton | Best R.N. | 1837 | 1907 | Commander | 9 |
George Dacres | Bevan R.N. | 1832 | 1870 | Commander | 10 |
Thomas | Bevis R.N. | <1797 | 1868 | Commander | 18 |
James Edward | Bickford R.N. | c1829 | 1905 | Captain | 13 |
Joseph Grant | Bickford R.N. | 1816 | 1886 | Captain | 21 |
Henry Hope | Bingham R.N. | 1801 | 1867 | Commander | 13 |
Henry Maynard | Bingham R.N. | c183 | 1880 | Lieutenant | 10 |
John Elliot | Bingham R.N. | 1805 | 1878 | Commander | 8 |
Thomas Francis | Birch R.N. | <1830 | >1867 | Captain | 8 |
Thomas Frederick | Birch R.N. | 1805 | 1887 | Commander | 19 |
Edward Joseph | Bird R.N. | 1798 | 1881 | Captain | 15 |
Philip | Bisson R.N. | <1826 | 1842 | Lieutenant | 9 |
Francis Richard | Blackburne R.N. | 1835 | 1902 | Captain | 20 |
Francis Price | Blackwood R.N. | 1809 | 1854 | Captain | 11 |
Henry Martin | Blackwood R.N. | 1801 | 1851 | Captain | 13 |
Patrick John | Blake R.N. | 1798 | 1884 | Captain | 16 |
William Hans | Blake R.N. | 1832 | 1874 | Captain | 15 |
Arthur Rodney | Blane R.N. | 1834 | 1890 | Commander | 13 |
George | Blane R.N. | 1813 | 1879 | Commander | 12 |
Henry John | Blomfield R.N. | 1825 | 1900 | Captain | 16 |
Clavell William Simpson | Blount R.N. | 1839 | 1888 | Lieutenant | 20 |
William Simpson | Blount R.N. | 1800 | 1843 | Commander | 10 |
Archibald George | Bogle R.N. | 1832 | 1908 | Captain | 25 |
Edward Alverne | Bolitho R.N. | 1842 | 1908 | Commander | 33 |
Francis Godolphin | Bond R.N. | <1827 | >1838 | Lieutenant | 4 |
Charles Wright | Bonham R.N. | 1817 | 1910 | Captain | 35 |
Augustus St. Clair | Booth R.N. | 1810 | 1906 | Captain | 22 |
James Richard | Booth R.N. | 1798 | 1853 | Captain | 11 |
John | Borlase R.N. | <1826 | 1895 | Captain | 13 |
Charles John | Bosanquet R.N. | 1807 | 1871 | Captain | 15 |
Day Hort | Bosanquet R.N. | 1843 | 1923 | Rear-Admiral | 11 |
George Stanley | Bosanquet R.N. | 1836 | 1914 | Vice-Admiral | 23 |
Charles Fenton Fletcher | Boughey R.N. | 1828 | 1894 | Captain | 23 |
Frederick Moore | Boultbee R.N. | 1798 | 1876 | Captain | 9 |
William Raymond | Boulton R.N. | <1846 | >1881 | Commander | 6 |
Thomas | Bourchier R.N. | 1791 | 1849 | Captain | 26 |
Frederick William Pleydell | Bouverie R.N. | 1816 | 1898 | Captain | 14 |
William | Bowden R.N. | <1847 | >1865 | Captain | 6 |
Nathaniel | Bowden-Smith R.N. | 1838 | 1921 | Admiral | 42 |
James Paterson | Bower R.N. | 1806 | 1889 | Captain | 17 |
John Harrison | Bowker R.N. | <1803 | 1848 | Commander | 5 |
William | Bowles R.N. | 1780 | 1869 | Admiral of the Fleet | 21 |
George Le Geyt | Bowyear R.N. | 1815 | 1903 | Captain | 24 |
Charles Richard Fox | Boxer R.N. | <1808 | >1884 | Captain | 10 |
Edward | Boxer R.N. | 1784 | 1855 | Rear-Admiral | 16 |
James Michael | Boxer R.N. | <1827 | >1843 | Lieutenant | 3 |
John NcNeill | Boyd R.N. | <1825 | 1861 | Captain | 13 |
Henry | Boyes R.N. | <1796 | 1852 | Captain | 6 |
Alexander | Boyle R.N. | 1810 | 1884 | Captain | 17 |
David | Boyle R.N. | <1855 | >1878 | Commander | 5 |
Robert Francis | Boyle R.N. | 1818 | 1883 | Lieutenant | 10 |
George Sayer | Boys R.N. | <1845 | 1859 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Henry | Boys R.N. | 1820 | 1904 | Admiral | 22 |
Alexander | Boyter R.N. | 1792 | 1858 | Lieutenant | 6 |
Francis | Brace R.N. | <1805 | 1848 | Captain | 9 |
John William | Brackenbury R.N. | 1842 | 1918 | Vice-Admiral | 10 |
Richard | Bradshaw R.N. | 1829 | 1899 | Captain | 21 |
John Powell | Branch R.N. | 1814 | 1850 | Lieutenant | 8 |
Thomas | Brandreth R.N. | 1825 | 1894 | Admiral | 32 |
James John Gordon | Bremer R.N. | 1786 | 1850 | Rear-Admiral | 22 |
Harry Woodfall | Brent R.N. | 1834 | 1911 | Captain | 35 |
Spencer Phipps | Brett R.N. | <1854 | >1868 | Commander | 6 |
Samuel James | Brickwell R.N. | <1841 | >1854 | Lieutenant | 3 |
William Wilson Somerset | Bridges R.N. | <1852 | >1872 | Commander | 4 |
George Augustus | Brine R.N. | 1828 | >1876 | Commander | 8 |
Lindesay | Brine R.N. | 1834 | >1897 | Vice-Admiral | 14 |
John William Douglas | Brisbane R.N. | 1806 | 1848 | Captain | 8 |
George Doherty | Broad R.N. | 1829 | 1903 | Captain | 21 |
Henry | Broadhead R.N. | 1806 | 1878 | Captain | 21 |
Philip | Brock R.N. | <1854 | >1863 | Commander | 5 |
Thomas Saumarez | Brock R.N. | 1800 | 1875 | Captain | 16 |
George Nathaniel | Broke R.N. | 1812 | 1887 | Captain | 21 |
Charles | Bromley R.N. | 1820 | 1892 | Captain | 13 |
Arthur Thomas | Brooke R.N. | 1838 | 1893 | Captain | 11 |
Edward Wolfe | Brooker R.N. | 1828 | >1866 | Commander | 8 |
George Augustus Cooke | Brooker R.N. | <1852 | >1868 | Captain | 6 |
Francis Sullivan Delves | Broughton R.N. | 1838 | 1878 | Commander | 29 |
William | Broughton R.N. | 1804 | 1849 | Captain | 14 |
George | Broun R.N. | <1815 | >1846 | Commander | 6 |
Charles Foreman | Brown R.N. | <1819 | >1845 | Commander | 12 |
Francis Thomas | Brown R.N. | 1806 | >1846 | Commander | 14 |
Ralph Abercrombie Otho | Brown R.N. | <1849 | >1886 | Captain | 11 |
Thomas Bourmaster | Brown R.N. | 1806 | 1849 | Commander | 7 |
William Samuel | Brown R.N. | <1854 | >1878 | Captain | 10 |
Charles James | Brownrigg R.N. | 1836 | 1881 | Captain | 24 |
Henry William | Bruce R.N. | 1792 | 1863 | Admiral | 23 |
James Andrew Thomas | Bruce R.N. | 1846 | 1921 | Rear-Admiral | 10 |
James Minchin | Bruce R.N. | <1852 | >1877 | Captain | 8 |
John | Bruce R.N. | <1859 | >1871 | Commander | 6 |
James | Buchanan R.N. | 1840 | 1901 | Lieutenant | 9 |
Charles Matthew | Buckle R.N. | <1847 | >1881 | Captain | 8 |
Claude Edward | Buckle R.N. | 1839 | 1930 | Rear-Admiral | 25 |
Claude Henry Mason | Buckle R.N. | 1803 | 1894 | Rear-Admiral | 18 |
Cecil William | Buckley R.N. | 1830 | 1872 | Captain | 14 |
Alexander | Buller R.N. | 1834 | 1903 | Admiral | 36 |
Augustus Thomas John | Bullock R.N. | <1852 | >1855 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Charles James | Bullock R.N. | 1826 | >1865 | Commander | 8 |
Frederick | Bullock R.N. | <1812 | 1871 | Vice-Admiral | 12 |
Thomas Thelwall | Bullock R.N. | <1854 | >1865 | Commander | 4 |
Archibald Gibson | Bulman R.N. | <1828 | 1851 | Commander | 8 |
Benjamin Holland | Bunce R.N. | 1812 | 1854 | Commander | 13 |
George Foster | Burgess R.N. | <1849 | >1857 | Commander | 5 |
John | Burgess R.N. | 1828 | >1872 | Lieutenant | 16 |
Frederick William | Burgoyne R.N. | 1778 | 1848 | Captain | 16 |
Hugh Talbot | Burgoyne R.N. | 1833 | 1870 | Captain | 24 |
John Coke | Burnell R.N. | 1843 | >1895 | Captain | 9 |
William Farquharson | Burnett R.N. | <1838 | 1863 | Captain | 9 |
James | Burney R.N. | <1807 | >1835 | Captain | 8 |
Richard | Burridge R.N. | <1808 | >1864 | Captain | 10 |
Godolphin James | Burslem R.N. | 1808 | 1889 | Lieutenant | 10 |
George Guy | Burton R.N. | 1782 | >1864 | Captain | 9 |
Robert Heron | Burton R.N. | <1849 | 1863 | Commander | 5 |
William Kemptown | Bush R.N. | <1850 | >1870 | Commander | 7 |
Thomas | Bushby R.N. | <1804 | >1840 | Captain | 6 |
Augustus | Butler R.N. | <1846 | >1870 | Captain | 5 |
Charles George | Butler R.N. | 1793 | 1867 | Lieutenant | 11 |
William Ormonde | Butler R.N. | <1855 | >1859 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Edward Harris | Butterfield R.N. | 1807 | >1841 | Captain | 10 |
George | Buttler R.N. | 1791 | 1850 | Commander | 8 |
George | Byng R.N. | <1829 | >1838 | Commander | 3 |
Henry | Byng R.N. | <1827 | >1864 | Commander | 8 |
Henry Dilkes | Byng R.N. | 1781 | 1860 | Captain | 13 |
John Clarke | Byng R.N. | <1846 | >1865 | Captain | 6 |
Richard | Byron R.N. | <1817 | 1843 | Commander | 7 |
John | Bythesea R.N. | 1827 | 1906 | Captain | 23 |